Friday, April 4, 2008

How Not to JDate

Last night I went out with a guy I'll call P. We met on JDate, exchanged a few funny emails, and had a good phone conversation. He offered to come to my neighborhood to meet up, which is a big thumbs up, and suggested a cool spot that I'd been wanting to try. The date was pleasant enough - the conversation flowed, we laughed, the food and wine were great. I might have considered going out with him again, though I wasn't really attracted to him, but (oh yes, there's a but), a few comments he made guaranteed that wasn't going to happen. I have three pieces of advice for him:

1 - Don't mention, within the first, oh let's say 7 minutes of the date, that your Vegas plans for your buddy's birthday this weekend are gonna involve "the whole stripper thing." Even if it's just so you can talk about how you're not into that whole plastic look. I honestly couldn't care less if you go to a strip club, but bringing it up that early? Why'd ya think that was a good idea?

2 - Don't say that you could never date an introvert because you would "fucking dominate" them. Um, are you kidding? I don't even know what to make of that.

3 - Don't mention that if you get drunk enough you might want to try the absinthe flight offered at the restaurant. You drove to the date. Drinking + driving is a huge deal breaker for me.

Bonus: Don't act so shocked when I say that I've been single for 3 years. I'd rather be single than be with the wrong person. Wouldn't you?

I actually mentioned the idea that I was going to start this site, so I hope he doesn't remember the URL. If he does, oh well. Hopefully he won't be too offended. He informed me that there were plenty of these sites out there, and I said that they couldn't be that good if I hadn't heard of them before. He did leave me with one hilarious tale from his past bad blind dates, though. He met a woman on JDate in New York, and they had a good, normal phone conversation and planned to meet up at a bar. She called a little before their date and said she'd been working from home all day, and would he mind meeting her in the upper East Side? No problem, he said, and headed over to what turned out to be her apartment. Inside he found the messiest apartment he'd ever seen (at this point I pondered why she would invite him over if her place was in such a state, but concluded that she must be totally out of touch with reality, which he said was a very astute observation), and a tape recorder. Turns out, she claimed to run the most prestigious Jewish dating site in NY (me: why is she on JDate then? To check out the competition?), was writing a book, and often tape-recorded her dates. She offered to let him listen in to some of them, which he says were quite boring, and then excused herself to go to the bathroom, emerging wearing a cop uniform (!), complete with handcuffs. At this point, he says, he was clearly not interested in dating her, but was curious to see where the night would go (again, why would he mention this? Though he said he just wanted to have a story to tell... mmhmm). He says he finally decided to remove himself from the situation, and she literally screamed down the hallway at him as he was leaving, "my daddy's very wealthy! He'll buy the ring!" Yikes. Ok, good story. Don't know if I would have shared it on a first date, but it was funny.

I got a text from him later that night that'd he'd had a good time and hoped to see me again. Very flattering, but this one's definitely not a match.

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